A Little Bit About Me

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My first post focused on a holiday, so maybe I should introduce myself a little more. Where do I begin? If you are reading this, you probably know me or my family in some capacity. Or, maybe someone sent this to you and said “Hey! Read this!” I know that is how I have come across new reads before and didn’t know the person at all. At any rate, my name is Melissa. I am a follower of Jesus. I believe in the Bible, the Holy word of God. It is truth. Even when His word doesn’t line up with what the world says is acceptable, it is still the truth. It isn’t always easy to walk against the society we live in. The path of the Lord is a narrow one. The lie I think this world has come to believe is if we don’t agree, if we put up boundaries, if we have hard conversations, then their is no love. Such a big lie.

If you’re still with me, great! You may still be reading because you agree with the above statements, or you may still be reading because you want to see what I have to say. Either way, great! I am much better at typing words, then speaking them. (Unless you’re in my inner circle and get voice clips from me, then you may argue that point.)

I use to think I was an introvert, and by the world’s definition I am. I recharge by getting time to myself. Which, with a husband and five kids is near impossible. Oh yeah, and we homeschool, so we are ALWAYS together. So… introvert, yeah.

I have been on an inner healing journey for around two and half, maybe 3 years, now. What I have learned in my experience is that God might not say I am introverted, but that when I feel safe, I relax and will be myself. If I don’t feel a social situation is “safe”, I remain fairly guarded. Which, I have also learned is not a “fault” as the world would define it.

Boundaries are good, as long as there are not walls. There needs to be a door, a gate, a way for entrance and exit, not a fortress that no one can penetrate. I’ve also learned that my reservation in social settings has a lot to do with my spiritual gifts – the gifts the Lord has given me to use for His glory. As I am learning and growing in those I am learning that sometimes we can come across as more “introverted” or more “extroverted” because of the call he has on our life. I see these things in my children already. I see their gifts emerging in them, their different personalities, and how it all fits together to be these beautiful little people God is molding in His image and by His grace.

As I embark on this writing journey, I will share more and more about the things the Lord is teaching me and how I am growing in him. After all, His word says in Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” It isn’t me that has done anything, but Christ in me that has worked some amazing things. A woman who lived in fear, no longer lives afraid. A woman who was overcome with anxiety and worry, is walking free. A woman who was timid, is becoming bold. A people pleaser, is living boldly for Christ, not others. I believe through time my testimony will unfold in these words. He gets all the glory. I pray it impacts your life for the better. I pray it encourages you to open the Bible and seek Him, His truth, His love, His grace, His mercy, and His healing power. I know the word “healing” can really get people stirred up. His word is clear, healing is a part of the things he does for us.

As I was reading the book of Matthew recently, I realized that I have more in common with John the Baptizer than I ever realized. John thought that when Jesus came he would look different, he would “fight” differently, he would “take over” differently than he did. He thought it was going to be done differently. He had an idea in his head of what it would look like when God sent the Messiah. Often times, we can be like John, or maybe it’s just me. I thought my healing would look a certain way. I thought relationships would be restored in a certain way. I thought a lot of things. As I surrendered more and more to His word, and opened my hands and let go of control, I have truly seen and grasped His ways are not our ways. If we are genuinely open to His way in our life, we can see healing and love and mercy and grace. Sometimes it comes through the pain, through the boundary setting (which is HARD), through the overcoming of the sin we lived in as we turn our path to line up with His. Matthew 7:13-14 says (Jesus is speaking), “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Stay tuned. There is so much more in my heart to write. I don’t know how often it will come, but stick around. I’m excited for this next leg of the journey and how He is leading me to share. Be blessed!

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